Excellent Executive Coaching: Growing Your Business and Enhancing Your Craft.

Olivia Smith, Transformation Expert, founder of Write a New Story and Master Certified Professional Coach (MCPC), specializes in personal and professional strategies for growth.

  • What was your learning on your career path?
  • What type of risk do you take when you start a non-profit vs a for profit business?
  • Why is knowing yourself your most valuable asset?
  • How can you turn your obstacles in opportunities?
  • What has your certification on trauma brought to your coaching career?

Olivia Smith

Olivia Smith, Transformation Expert, founder of Write a New Story and Master Certified Professional Coach (MCPC), specializes in personal and professional strategies for growth. Olivia started her career as a Registered Nurse and transitioned to the corporate world. Due to a life-changing volunteer experience at The Tennessee Prison for Women, she shifted her focus to the nonprofit world. She paired her passion for helping those healing from trauma with her entrepreneurial experience to found Healing Housing, a transitional living community for women in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. Serving as Executive Director helped her lead Healing Housing to become the first and only transitional living facility for women in recovery in Williamson County. Olivia brings an unparalleled combination of skill and experience when it comes to challenging the limiting beliefs.

Excellent Executive Coaching Podcast

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The EEC podcasts are sponsored by MKB Excellent Executive Coaching that helps you get from where you are to where you want to be with customized leadership and coaching development programs. MKB Excellent Executive Coaching offers leadership development programs to generate action, learning, and change that is aligned with your authentic self and values. Transform your dreams into reality and invest in yourself by scheduling a discovery session with Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC to reach your goals.

Your host is Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC, founder and general manager of Excellent Executive Coaching a company specialized in leadership development.

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